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- Working Party on the Scientific Study of Travel Medicine
Working Party on the Scientific Study of Travel Medicine
Most of the presentations given during these symposia are available on this website (PDF). To gain access to them (and to download them), it suffices to click on the title. The presentations reflect the opinion of their authors and should not be considered endorsed by the BSICM or the (co-)organising societies. They are available for information purposes only. They should not be reproduced in any form without the prior authorisation of the author(s) and the BSICM. Contact the secretariat (elise.brisart@erasme.ulb.ac.be) for more information.
- 13th National Seminar on Travel Medicine (Brussels, October 19th 2019): "Presentations.
- National Consensus Meeting (Neder-Over-Heembeek, January 25th 2018): "Presentations (Yellow fever, Malaria, Cholera stamp, Typhoid fever, Meningococcal meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, FSME, Travellers diarrhea, Rabies) and "Summary".
- 12th National Seminar on Travel Medicine (Neder-Over-Heembeek, January 25th 2018): "Presentations ".
- National Consensus Meeting (Neder-Over-Heembeek, September 27th 2017): "Presentation" and "Summary" (audiotape).
- National Consensus Meeting (Brussels, June 24th 2016): "Presentation" and "Summary".
- National Consensus Meeting (Brussels, June 25th 2015): "Presentations (Malaria , Yellow fever , Other vaccinations)" and "Summary".
- National Consensus Meeting (Brussels, June 20th 2014): "Malaria", "Yellow fever", "Other vaccinations".
- National Consensus Meeting (Brussels, May 31st 2013): "Malaria", "Yellow fever", "Other vaccinations".
- National Consensus Meeting (Nrussels, May 25th 2012): "Summary".
- 11th National Seminar on Travel Medicine (Brussels, 19 November 2015): "Travel seminar: 20 years later" .
- 10th National Seminar on Travel Medicine [in collaboration with the BSICM (Brussel, 24 October 2013)]: "Preparing your dream trip next year - Your dream trip turns sour ..." .
- 9th National Seminar on Travel Medicine (Brussels, 17 November 2011) : "Tailoring pre-travel advice to the individual traveler".
- 8th Nationaal Seminar on Travel Medicine (Brussels, 19 November 2009): "Risk assessment and prevention".